Tag Archive | Pacific Northwest

The Good Life?

Ahh, the Beautiful People
Living on the pinnacle of dreams
The good life isn’t always as it seems
They are all too human after all
Not the god-like beings standing tall
In the glow of all this world esteems

Ahh, the Powerful People
By all the man-made standards they excel
With genius, beauty, strength they do compel
But these must all diminish over time
None occupies for long the heights sublime
Just one prevailed against the gates of hell

Ahh, the Brilliant People
More wise in their own eyes than simple truth
They cling to their ideas and their own proof
By their own good works they choose to stand
Not humbled beneath God’s almighty hand
But will they stand the test of faded youth?

Ahh, the Pitiful People
With wealth of grace they lack and suffer loss
Their fortunes, fame, intelligence – but dross
Martyrs to their faith they can’t find hope
In power, prowess, people, pot or pope
Stumbled by level ground at the foot of the cross


“Thus saith the LORD, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:  But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment and righteousness, in the earth:  for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.”    Jeremiah 9:23-24  The Holy Bible, Old Testament



Ferry Ride



The bluest skies you’ve ever seen,
The water sparkles calm blue-green,
Bound by mountains east and west,
Its a spring day at its best!

Gulls and herons gather ’round
As we travel across the Sound,
Cars and passengers afloat,
Aboard a Washington Ferry boat.

The sunshine’s warm, the air is chill,
The wind is brisk, the horn is shrill,
Variegated green on the distant hill,
In my heart a spring-time thrill.

To the north, Mount Baker – white,
South, Rainier’s a majestic sight,
Jagged Olympics to the west,
Cascades to the east, equally blest.

Drive the quiet island countryside,
Forrest and gardens kept with pride,
Respite from the cities’ crowd
Busy, rushing, restless, loud.

Adventure in a quick fun jaunt,
Lunch at a little restaurant,
Discoveries become a favorite haunt,
Someone to share it, what more could one want?



Infusion Not Implosion

We are nearing the finish line.  The elections for the President of the United States and other important posts will soon be over and we will breathe a collective sigh of relief regardless of which candidate was favored.  If you’re like me the whole election hype is exhausting – the debating, the arguing, the nail biting.  Leading up to the elections many people faithfully pray for our nation and the election’s outcome.   At a time of national transition many call to mind 2 Chronicles 7:14 which says; “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Seattle Kingdome, 1980 courtesy Municipal Archives

It was 1974 and I was part of the opening event of the Seattle Kingdome,  singing in the volunteer choir at the Billy Graham Crusade.  That was when I first became acquainted with 2 Chronicles 7:14, beautifully set to music.  And since music is a great vehicle for memorization it has stuck with me all these years.

As I’ve considered this verse I noticed some things.  I like to skip some parts of the verse and jump to God’s promise at the end – the part where he says he will hear from heaven and heal our land.  I like the idea of God making everything better so we can be comfortable and secure like fixing our economic troubles and protecting us from terrorist attacks.  But he puts the important stuff first:  If my people (who?)  it doesn’t have to be everybody, just those who are called by his name.  Shall humble themselves (what?, me get off my high horse?) and pray (okay,  sure I can do that), and seek my face (hmmm, this is getting serious) and turn from their wicked ways (wicked, me!? ).  Actually applying the verse – personalizing it is harder than just quoting it,  singing it or praying about it.

Not too many years ago the Kingdome was imploded.  Apparently it had come to the end of its usefulness and was replaced with something else.  Being humble and honest before God is imperative to remaining useful.  I want to be part of an infusion that  strengthens our society, not part of its implosion.

Kingdome Implosion, March 2000
Photographer Ian Edelstein
Courtesy Municipal Archives

Prayer leading up to the elections is good but its not the end. The admonition of 2 Chronicles 7:14 applies regardless of who is elected and continues long afterwards.  So keep praying!  The policies made by the leaders of a nation are important.  But the true health and vigor of any society comes  ultimately from the hand of God as he responds to the faithfulness of his people.

What Sparks a Memory?

Spring unfolds before our eyes,

Awakening land and brightening skies,

We too emerge from cold induced rigor,

With hope of renewed vitality and vigor ~


While driving past a park the other day I saw something that took me back many years to my youth.  Days later I glanced down into a ravine and there it was again,  immediately transporting me back to my first year in the Pacific Northwest.

We were Florida transplants, used to seeing palm trees and the concrete houses of our neighbors through the chain link fence surrounding our suburban Miami home.  My brother, sister and I were now wilderness explorers in the woods beyond the little stream at the edge of our new back yard.  We pretended to be younger versions of Lewis and Clark, though we were more familiar with  Ponce de Leon.  We delighted in hiding among the giant evergreens, finding bouncy limbs among the alders and skunk cabbage was an exotic new discovery.

In those few split seconds that it took for my eyes to recognize the emerging pungent leafy plant, I was transported to a distant time and remembering the pleasure of childhood discovery again.  I felt that exciting sensation of being in a place where everything around you is new and full of wonder.  I am fascinated by the way our memory is tied to our senses.  How random sights, sounds, smells and even the feel of the air can cause us to recall experiences long forgotten with all their attending emotions.  To that end, even the insignificant skunk cabbage can be a source of joy.